Control fee

Why have I received a control fee?

Get your explanation here. 

Do you not agree?
You can click through to our appeal form.  


How to appeal

When does it make sense to appeal a control fee?
Do you already know that your control fee was issued due to an error you made while parking? In that case, submitting an appeal either by phoning or via our appeal form will not result in an annulment of your control fee. Unfortunately, we cannot annul control fees that were issued correctly in the first place.

If you simply have a query about a control fee – e.g., if you wish to see our photo documentation – please use our contact form and select the category “Query about a control fee”. 

How to use the appeal form

Find your reason code (Årsag).

You will find it at the top of your control fee notice, just below the control fee notice number (Afgiftsnummer). 

Twelve different rule infringements trigger a control fee. 

Find the same number in the list here.
Find out why you have received a control fee. 

Do you not agree?
If you still feel that you have received an unjustified control fee, you can move on to our appeal form.

Alternatively, you can choose to submit a written complaint by post to Q-Park. You find the address here.

Please note: Due to GDPR only the driver of the vehicle can file a complaint regarding the control fee. Complaints from a third party will only be processed if the driver of the vehicle authorizes this by sending us a valid, written power of attorney.


PLEASE NOTE: This form concerns control fee appeals. If your enquiry concerns a control fee from Odense Banegård Center, please contact Q-Park Sales Support on telephone +45 7025 7212.
