Park+Dine - Z-huset

Park+Dine - Z-huset
Special offer on parking every evening from 17:00 - 22:00.

Ideal parking on Aarhus Ø. Perfectly located for popular restaurants and bars.
Esther Aggebos Gade 8 8000 Aarhus C
  • Parking from 17:00 to 22:00 at Q-Park Z-huset
  • Perfect for visiting restaurants like Ghrelin and Zeit
  • Save on parking
Q-Park Z-huset
  • Q-Park parking sign
Q-Park Z-huset
Location icon
Q-Park Z-huset
Esther Aggebos Gade 8
8000 Aarhus C
Parking spaces:
Disabled spaces:
Electric charging points:
Drive through height (in metres):
1.90 m
Other questions?
You can contact us Monday - Friday between 09h00 and 15h00 on tel. +45 7025 7212.