Parking Solutions for Business and Residential

Hospital Parking

Parking at hospitals requires special solutions - both for patients, guests and staff.
Parking at hospitals has some special requirements

Patients and relatives need easy and accommodating parking as a visit to the hospital is often associated with strong emotions. Those emotions can take focus away from practical details like parking. The staff must also be able to get safely to and from their cars at all times of the day. Parking spaces at hospitals are therefore usually very sought-after and have certain special requirements. We can help you with that.

The right solution for you
  • We analyse your parking area and find the solution that gives you the best use of your parking spaces.
  • We can, for example, motivate the staff to use the outdoor parking spaces, so that the at the entrances are free for patients.
  • We can also ensure that the parking spaces are only used by those who have a real need to park at the hospital.
  • We use tailor-made solutions that suit you perfectly with just the right combination, e.g. time limit, paid parking and guest permits.
Patient- and guest parking

E-park is particularly suitable for the hospital's guest parking.

With digital guest permits, the hospital's patients and relatives can easily and quickly park and then register their parking in e-park at the hospital's entrances. When the number plate and mobile number are registered in e-park, the parking supervisor can scan the number plate and see that the car has a valid parking permit.

You get e-park as both a reception solution and a self-service solution, where patients and relatives themselves register their parking on a tablet, e.g. at the hospital entrances.

With the reception solution for example, it is possible to register a parking space in advance when the patient is called in. It is also possible to extend a patient's parking if an examination drags on or the patient is urgently admittet.

Employee parking

Digital parking permits in e-park are also a very good solution for staff parking. The time spent on administration is minimal and there are no bottlenecks. You have the option of delegating individual rights – right down to the individual parking permit. The employee can then manage his parking permit themself and, for example, update the registration number of a new car.

Another option is our dedicated staff parking with a barrier system, which can only be opened with a valid staff card. In this way, you ensure that no unauthorized persons enter your parking facility, and the staff can safely get to and from the car, even at night.

Staff may also have parking permits for specific areas at specific times. They can for example park in the outer areas during the day, and can park in the spaces near the entrances in the afternoon, when the days outpatients no longer use them.

Contact - Hospitalparking
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