Questions regarding control fees and inquiries.

Do you have questions about a control fee or do you think that your control fee is unjustified?

Q-Park is a affiliated with the official Danish Appeal Board for control fees

All private parking companies must be affiliated with the Appeal Board in Denmark in order to legally issue control fees.

The Appeal Board gives you an opportunity to have your case tried without going to court. However, you must still first complain to Q-Park – or the company that has issued a parking fee to you – before you can appeal your case to the Appeal Board.

I would like to appeal to the Appeal Board - what should I do?

Firstly you have to complain to Q-Park. You can do this via our online form right here. Your answer will be delivered by post or via e-mail when our case manager has assessed your case.

If you do not agree with our decision, you can appeal the case to the Appeal Board, or you can send us another complaint - you can also do this via our complaint form right here. A new case manager will then assess your case. You will receive your answer by post or via e-mail.

It is therefore you who decides for yourself whether you want to appeal to the Parking Complaints Board after your first or second complaint to Q-Park.

On the left you can see a detailed review of your appeal options.

Do you have a question about a control fee?

If you only have questions about a control fee - if, for example, you  would like to see our photo documentation - you must use this form.

Do you want to complain about a control fee?

When does it make sense to complain?

Do you already know that you have received a control fee because of a mistake you made when you parked the car? In that case there is unfortunately no point in complaining. We cannot cancel control fees that have been issued correctly.

Here's how you do it:

1 Submit a written complaint to Q-Park and let our case managers assess your case.

To ensure the best possible case handling, we only receive written complaints. You must submit your complaint via our complaint form, which you can find right here.

When our case handlers have reviewed your case, you will receive our decision in writing either via e-mail or by post.

NOTE: Due to GDPR, it is only the driver of the vehicle that has received the control fee that can complain about it. Complaints from third parties will only be processed upon submission of a valid, written power of attorney from the driver of the vehicle.

Alternatively, you can choose to submit a written complaint by post to Q-Park. You will find the address here.

2 Submit another written complaint

If you do not agree with our decision regarding your first complaint, you have the opportunity to have a new case manager assess your case. You can do this by submitting another complaint. Your second complaint must be submitted in writing via the complaint form on our website precisely like the first complaint. Find the complaint form here.

When the case manager has reviewed your complaint, you will receive a new decision in writing either by e-mail or by post.

Alternatively, you can choose to appeal your complaint to the official Danish Appeal Board for control fees. See point 3 below.

3 Or submit your complaint to the Appeal Board

If you are dissatisfied with our decision, you have the opportunity to submit your complaint to the Appeal Board. You can choose to do so once we have processed your appeal once. You can also choose to let us process your appeal twice before you appeal to the Appeal Board.

It costs DKK 175 to have your case heard at the Parking Complaints Board. If they agree with your complaint, you will get your money back. You can see all the details and submit your complaint via the Appeal Board's ooficial website - www.parkeringsklagenæ

Note: You can only appeal decisions to the Appeal Board for control fees issued after 1 July 2018.

Note: The control fees in the cases from the Supreme Court were imposed by the Municipality of Copenhagen in accordance with the executive order on parking on public roads and the Supreme Court has thus decided cases based on an assessment of whether there was a basis for maintaining the fees when there was proof of payment, according to the same announcement. As the name indicates, this executive order does not apply to private areas and is therefore not relevant in relation to control charges imposed on private areas.

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